The hospital chapel is located on the first floor near the main entrance, just past the Main Lobby elevators. The chapel is available for meditation, prayer or quiet reflection.
The chaplains at Self Regional are clergy of different faiths who have received extensive training in providing ministry in the healthcare setting. Respect for spiritual or religious preference of patients and families are a key principle in our practice.
Chaplains reach across faith group boundaries and do not proselytize. They have a working knowledge of healthcare and understand the impact illness can have on the emotional and spiritual lives of patients and their loved ones. Chaplains encourage and support patients, families and healthcare professionals to draw on their own religious and spiritual resources to maintain hope, uphold human dignity, and address questions of meaning in the face of crisis or chronic suffering.
Chaplaincy services we provide:
A Chaplain is on call and available to patients and their loved ones 24 hours a day by dialing 864-725-5801.
- Spiritual support and counseling
- Grief ministry
- Build on the resources of one’s faith
- Help in examination of questions regarding faith, belief and doubt
- Crisis intervention
- Participating in family conferences
- Assist with life support and other ethical issues
- Rounding on all hospital units
- Responding to referrals
- Pre-op visits
- Response to all code blue, rapid response, and trauma calls
- Sacraments of Communion and Baptism
- Special blessings
- End-of-life rituals
- Memorial services
- Marriages
- Consultations
- Ethics consult
- Facilitation of spirituality and grief groups
- Seminars/in-service presentations on subjects such as grief, spiritual resources for healing, spiritual assessment, death and dying, theological reflection, caring for the caregiver, bereavement ministry
- Clinical Pastoral Education is offered to Clergy and Seminarians (see below)
The Chapel
The hospital chapel is located on the first floor near the main entrance, just past the Main Lobby elevators. The chapel is open 24 hours a day for meditation, prayer or quiet reflection.
Chapel services
- Interfaith Chapel Services are held weekly on Wednesdays at 1 pm. All hospital staff, patients, and visitors are invited to attend. These 15-30 minute services, which are are led by our Staff Chaplains and Clinical Pastoral Education Students, are held to offer support, comfort, and hope in times of crises.
- Quarterly Memorial Services
- Special services as requested
Prayer requests
If you would like to submit a prayer request to the chaplaincy staff, please place it in the Private Prayer Box located on the resource table in the chapel. Prayers are read during our morning staff meeting. Prayer requests may also be submitted directly to (864)725-5801.
Devotional literature
Scriptures and devotional literature from a variety of traditions are available upon request from the Chaplaincy Office.
Pastoral education
Seminary students, aspiring chaplains, and any clergy member who is interested in sharpening their pastoral skills are invited to apply to our Clinical Pastoral Education Program. For more information, visit our Clinical Pastoral Education page.
The Spiritual Care & Clinical Pastoral Education (CPE) Department
Email us at spiritualcare@selfregional.org
864-725-4158 (office) and 864-725-5801 (On call Chaplain)