(Greenwood, S.C., June 7, 2016) – Self Regional Healthcare Foundation hosted its annual nursing scholarship luncheon in June and awarded eight scholarships for a combined total of $8,000.
The recipients for the 2016 Mary Ella Ruff scholarships are Lauren Haynes, Andrea Pope, Taylor Curtis and Cady Collins, all of Greenwood, and Taylor Yonce of Johnston.
The Mary Ella Ruff Nursing scholarship was established in honor of one of Self Regional Healthcare’s most dedicated and influential nurses, Mary Ella Ruff, who retired in 1978 after 35 years of service. This scholarship is awarded to persons enrolled in a certified nursing program in the state of South Carolina or to practicing nurses who are advancing their professional skills. The total amount distributed for the Mary Ella Ruff Nursing Scholarship was $5,000 with each winner receiving $1,000.

Members of the Mary Ella Ruff and Charlotte Blackwell Memorial Nursing Scholarship committees pose with 2016 scholarship recipients.
Pictured (front row from left): Linda Russell, vice president and chief nursing officer of Self Regional Healthcare; Taylor Yonce, scholarship recipient; Taylor Curtis, scholarship recipient; Mary Ella Ruff; Lauren Haynes, scholarship recipient; Mary Parks Anderson, scholarship recipient. (back row from left) John Paguntalan, Charlotte Blackwell Memorial Nursing scholarship committee member; Ken Coffey, executive director of Self Regional Healthcare Foundation; Cameron Miller, scholarship recipient; Caitlin McDonald, scholarship recipient; Cady Collins, scholarship recipient; Kaye Brock, Charlotte Blackwell Memorial Nursing scholarship committee member; Jim Pfeiffer, president and CEO of Self Regional Healthcare.
The recipients for the 2016 Charlotte Blackwell Memorial Nursing scholarship are Caitlin McDonald, Cameron Miller and Mary Parks Anderson, all of Greenwood.
Since 2005, the Charlotte Blackwell Memorial Nursing Scholarship has been awarded to deserving students who wish to spend their careers at Self Regional Healthcare after completing nursing programs at Lander University or Piedmont Technical College. In 2013, an extension of the Charlotte Blackwell Memorial Nursing Scholarship was created to award a critical care nurse at Self Regional with a scholarship to help fund attendance to the annual NTI Critical Care Conference. The total amount distributed for the Charlotte Blackwell Memorial Nursing scholarship was $3,000 with each winner receiving $1,000.
The Self Regional Healthcare Foundation’s scholarship program is built on community campaigns and fundraising that ensures qualified and talented individuals have the opportunity to pursue a career in healthcare.
About Self Regional Healthcare Foundation:
Self Regional Healthcare Foundation primarily funds health-related programs and projects at Self Regional Healthcare, a not-for-profit, regional referral hospital that provides care to residents of Greenwood, Abbeville, Laurens, Saluda, McCormick, Edgefield and Newberry counties. Services include prevention and wellness, acute care and tertiary care services including cancer care, neurosurgery, heart and vascular surgery, NICU, orthopedics and genetics. Self Medical Group is its employed physician affiliate network of 33 practices and more than 115 physicians.