United Center for Community Care: (From Left): Self Regional Board of Trustees Chairman Len Bornemann is joined by Self Regional CEO Jim Pfeiffer, Deborah Parks, Executive Director of the United Center for Community Care, and Cardiologist Dr. Ennis James, who serves on the Community Outreach Committee.

SRH Announces Another $268,770 In Community Grants

SRH has awarded $268,700 in its latest round of community improvement grants, to help local organizations provide emergency defibrillators in public places, offer preventive health measures, provide treatment for children and adults of sexual violence and abuse, and assist bilingual/bicultural patients who require healthcare. 2014 Community Health Grants Now Total $858,200.

Dr Wiley Price, Jr.

Lights for Love Star Honors Legacy of Greenwood Internist Dr. Wiley Price, Jr.

One of Greenwood’s first internal medicine physicians, Dr. Wiley Price, Jr., was honored with the 2014 Lights for Love Star. Dr. Price laid the groundwork for specialists and other internists to join the greater Greenwood community over the next 60 years.

Annual Lights for Love Tree Lighting Event Set for December 11, 2014

Holiday lights will be twinkling at Self Regional Medical Center on Thursday, Dec. 11th during the 2014 annual Lights for Love tree lighting ceremony at 5:30 p.m.

Self Regional Healthcare Foundation Mid-Winter Ball Co-chairs Megha Lal (left) and Priya Kumar, M.D., are planning "A Passage To India" as the theme for the 2015 ball benefitting community health initiative AccessHealth Lakelands.

SRH Foundation Announces 2015 Mid-Winter Ball Chairs

The 27th Annual Mid-Winter Ball will be co-chaired by Priya Kumar, M.D., and Megha Lal. This signature community event, scheduled for Saturday, February 28, 2015, will feature an exotic theme “A Passage To India” that takes guests on an incredible journey.

South Carolina Spine Center Marks 1,000 Cases With Brainlab Surgical Navigation Intra-operative OR

SC Spine Center Announces 1,000th Leading-Edge Surgical Procedure

The South Carolina Spine Center, home to the Southeast’s first Brainsuite® iCT, announced today its 1,000th patient’s surgical procedure using this intra-operative technology installed in June 2010.

Ashley Judd to Speak at Self Regional Healthcare Foundation 2014 Madame Curie Society Dinner

Ashley Judd to Speak at 2014 Madame Curie Society Dinner

Actress and humanitarian Ashley Judd will be the 2014 Madame Curie Society speaker. In addition to her global success as an actress, Ms. Judd has become just as well known for her work in public health advocacy.

Angela Winchester walks the pink runway from the 2013 Pretty in Pink celebration. Ms. Winchester is a breast cancer survivor who works in Imaging Services at Self Regional and says she uses each day "to be a voice for breast cancer survival."

2014 Pretty in Pink Celebration Coming Up Oct 14 – tickets available now

Self Regional Healthcare’s fourth annual Pretty in Pink, the area’s largest breast cancer awareness celebration, is scheduled for the evening of Tuesday, Oct. 14, at the Medford Center at Piedmont Technical College

(From left): Mark Kasper from the Greenwood County Community Foundation presents James M. Manley, Treasurer of the Self Regional Healthcare Board of Trustees, with a contribution of $150,000 to benefit women's health initiatives. Kasper was joined by Denise and Jim Medford, owners of the Links at Stoney Point, the site of the charity golf tournament held in May.

Self Regional Healthcare Foundation Receives $150,000 in Proceeds from Symetra Women’s Health Classic

The Self Regional Healthcare Foundation will use proceeds from the tournament to establish a Women’s Health fund that can be utilized for community outreach and programming to improve the health of the region’s women. The foundation was the title sponsor for the inaugural Women’s Health Classic.

Members of the Mary Ella Ruff Nursing Scholarship committee present certificates to 2014 scholarship recipients: Anna Baughman of Abbeville, Jessica Cameron of Ninety Six, Mirisha Coleman of Abbeville, Kara Lowery of Due West and Adam Taylor of Chapin. Pictured from left are Dr. John Scott, Dr. Travis Stevenson, Georgia Gillion, Adam Taylor, Mary Ella Ruff, Jessica Cameron, Kara Lowery, Mirisha Coleman and Anna Baughman.

Eight Local Nursing Students Awarded Scholarships from Self Regional Healthcare Foundation

Eight local students have each been awarded a $1,000 nursing scholarship from The Self Regional Healthcare Foundation at its annual nursing scholarship luncheon. The Foundation has two funds named in honor of two influential nurses who worked at Self Regional: the Mary Ella Ruff Nursing Scholarship fund and the Charlotte Blackwell Memorial Nursing Scholarship.

For more information, contact Lauren Hastings from Self Regional at (864)725-4460 lhastings@selfregional.org, or Ashley Collier from Be The Match at (864) 941-6585.

Be the Match for Someone in Need – Bone Marrow Registry Event Aug 7

The public is invited to participate in this marrow registry event. The process takes 15 minutes and requires a cheek swab. Blood cancers like leukemia or other diseases such as sickle cell anemia may require a marrow transplant for survival. Having more individuals on the registry provides a greater chance for a match.